This small town is located on the surface of the earth, and houses that look like’ villas’ of the people of Ershi stand everywhere in this place.

Of course, they are actually not villas, but some kind of cultural and biological waste treatment plant
But this kind of’ waste’ is harmless to the people of Ershi, and there is a big lake next to this town.
This is one of the few water resources in the world that used to live here. Cultural relics do not drink water, but they have established a playground in this lake to protect the lake.
At the source of water … it is drawn from the depths of the earth.
Ershimin soon began to transform this small town. Although it seems that it can live immediately, there is still a lot of room to get.
They need to transform the construction department to make them suitable for the residents of Ershi, and at the same time, they need to build an’ oxygen generating device’ and connect this device to every building
However, the bus anemone was kind enough to move the delivery point to a place near this town, where they could quickly complete the transformation by finding materials locally and transporting them from the village.
Although it was a lot of trouble, Ershimin did it with passion, as if they were dreaming …
And soon there was a new’ rumor’ among them.
That is to say, the world of the ball god … is a’ free’ normal world, not as unstable as those.
So they all moved into this world in a hurry.
Although the environment here is much worse than in history, it makes them feel … free.
So Lin paid attention to where these "rumors" came from.
In fact, all the rumors originally came from a member of their group, but every time it broadcasts a message, it will say that it was heard from other places … so they always don’t know where it came from.
However, there is no one who will pursue it.
That’s it. This place is developing … At present, the biggest threat to these people is those who claim to be all kinds of tribal machinery.
And these machines … although they seem to have personality, they are actually not as dangerous as they used to be.
Because they have become very concerned about such things as’ reproduction’
After’ dyeing’ all kinds of cultural relics, they will not make offspring so casually, but have a complicated’ ceremony’ like cultural relics.
Simply put, it is similar to Ershimin.
Some machines require two or more machines to’ marry’ and abide by various rules in order to produce offspring.
There are also some machines that need to hold some’ sacred ceremonies’ to produce offspring, such as dancing for dozens of days and nights.
In addition, some machines have to take a’ parenting test’ and be confirmed by the test to be qualified to raise their offspring.
These are all historical relics, and all kinds of traditions are similar to those of the Ershi people. They are not so casual in making future generations.
It is also very important that they should give strict education to their young, so that they will not produce a large number of offspring, but a focused education.
Even if the population is small, it is difficult for them to violate this … imposed uniformity, so they will always abide by it.
At the same time, Lin also found that their offspring’s personality is random
A cultural relic character machine may produce offspring with another cultural relic character.
If you encounter this kind of’ abnormal offspring’, you must be put to death immediately … For this reason, this group of machinery no longer has the greatest advantage-it is almost as numerous as possible.
Plus, they are still fighting with each other. Lin believes that in the end, the people of Ershi will defeat these machines.
Of course, there are also some articles that are fond of mass reproduction, but Lin hasn’t found the inheritance of this kind of character … machinery yet.
At present, the biggest threat to the people of Ershi mainly comes from
Lin found that something had happened to all kinds of workers.
All kinds of personality creatures fought for some resources, and their war led to the death of some creatures.
Many of them are maintained by some kind of solidified organism, and some species … are very fragile.
When a creature was killed, Lynn found that there was an extra one in the database of death warships …
This is contrary to most of the previous ones. It is …’ protected creatures’.
Chapter two thousand three hundred and forty Seam connection
"It’s warm here."
"It’s probably warm but not warm enough. That ball is bigger."
This is a place full of light.
There is a ball of light with a diameter of tens of meters in the sky, and not far from this ball of light, there is an island.
It’s actually a mass of sand and rock, and there’s a mass of water around it.
This makes it really look like an island, and there is a tree with huge fruits in the center of the island.
Besides this small island, there are many similar objects floating here.
There is a small stone house, a pile of biological bones and a ball full of plants.
These floats are more than ten meters in size, and they are all floating slowly around the neutral ball.
This place … is a small one made by Lin.
According to the similar design of gravity amusement park seen by Qian Ershi, Lin got a lot of … floating objects here.
Actually, most of them were put in by those two brain worms.

This small town is located on the surface of the earth, and houses that look like’ villas’ of the people of Ershi stand everywhere in this place.

Of course, they are actually not villas, but some kind of cultural and biological waste treatment plant
But this kind of’ waste’ is harmless to the people of Ershi, and there is a big lake next to this town.
This is one of the few water resources in the world that used to live here. Cultural relics do not drink water, but they have established a playground in this lake to protect the lake.
At the source of water … it is drawn from the depths of the earth.
Ershimin soon began to transform this small town. Although it seems that it can live immediately, there is still a lot of room to get.
They need to transform the construction department to make them suitable for the residents of Ershi, and at the same time, they need to build an’ oxygen generating device’ and connect this device to every building
However, the bus anemone was kind enough to move the delivery point to a place near this town, where they could quickly complete the transformation by finding materials locally and transporting them from the village.
Although it was a lot of trouble, Ershimin did it with passion, as if they were dreaming …
And soon there was a new’ rumor’ among them.
That is to say, the world of the ball god … is a’ free’ normal world, not as unstable as those.
So they all moved into this world in a hurry.
Although the environment here is much worse than in history, it makes them feel … free.
So Lin paid attention to where these "rumors" came from.
In fact, all the rumors originally came from a member of their group, but every time it broadcasts a message, it will say that it was heard from other places … so they always don’t know where it came from.
However, there is no one who will pursue it.
That’s it. This place is developing … At present, the biggest threat to these people is those who claim to be all kinds of tribal machinery.
And these machines … although they seem to have personality, they are actually not as dangerous as they used to be.
Because they have become very concerned about such things as’ reproduction’
After’ dyeing’ all kinds of cultural relics, they will not make offspring so casually, but have a complicated’ ceremony’ like cultural relics.
Simply put, it is similar to Ershimin.
Some machines require two or more machines to’ marry’ and abide by various rules in order to produce offspring.
There are also some machines that need to hold some’ sacred ceremonies’ to produce offspring, such as dancing for dozens of days and nights.
In addition, some machines have to take a’ parenting test’ and be confirmed by the test to be qualified to raise their offspring.
These are all historical relics, and all kinds of traditions are similar to those of the Ershi people. They are not so casual in making future generations.
It is also very important that they should give strict education to their young, so that they will not produce a large number of offspring, but a focused education.
Even if the population is small, it is difficult for them to violate this … imposed uniformity, so they will always abide by it.
At the same time, Lin also found that their offspring’s personality is random
A cultural relic character machine may produce offspring with another cultural relic character.
If you encounter this kind of’ abnormal offspring’, you must be put to death immediately … For this reason, this group of machinery no longer has the greatest advantage-it is almost as numerous as possible.
Plus, they are still fighting with each other. Lin believes that in the end, the people of Ershi will defeat these machines.
Of course, there are also some articles that are fond of mass reproduction, but Lin hasn’t found the inheritance of this kind of character … machinery yet.
At present, the biggest threat to the people of Ershi mainly comes from
Lin found that something had happened to all kinds of workers.
All kinds of personality creatures fought for some resources, and their war led to the death of some creatures.
Many of them are maintained by some kind of solidified organism, and some species … are very fragile.
When a creature was killed, Lynn found that there was an extra one in the database of death warships …
This is contrary to most of the previous ones. It is …’ protected creatures’.
Chapter two thousand three hundred and forty Seam connection
"It’s warm here."
"It’s probably warm but not warm enough. That ball is bigger."
This is a place full of light.
There is a ball of light with a diameter of tens of meters in the sky, and not far from this ball of light, there is an island.
It’s actually a mass of sand and rock, and there’s a mass of water around it.
This makes it really look like an island, and there is a tree with huge fruits in the center of the island.
Besides this small island, there are many similar objects floating here.
There is a small stone house, a pile of biological bones and a ball full of plants.
These floats are more than ten meters in size, and they are all floating slowly around the neutral ball.
This place … is a small one made by Lin.
According to the similar design of gravity amusement park seen by Qian Ershi, Lin got a lot of … floating objects here.
Actually, most of them were put in by those two brain worms.


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