"I’ll wash my face and come over and make dumplings together."

"Go ahead and set up that white towel for my face and that’s what you have."
"Yeah, I see."
Two people together will soon finish the package.
Li Chu used to leave the stove on and start cooking dumplings.
After eating, Ding Qiunan took the initiative to wash dishes and chopsticks and let Li Chu have a rest. "You do all the meals, I’ll come and you go to the sofa to rest."
Such as Ding Qiunan tidy up come over Li Chu and took her to her arms "you see what we still lack, we have nothing to do with it slowly."
"Nothing is lacking. I didn’t expect you to tidy up the house so well!"
Li Chu smiled smugly. "I’ll buy you a bike and a watch in a couple of days, so I’ll go to the department store."
Ding Qiunan looked at him in surprise. "Are you crazy? Will it be a day later? "
"Oh, don’t worry, I won’t be hungry after I have money."
"Money also can’t disorderly spend! How come it’s easy for you to get money? "
Li Chu thought it was really easy to sign in, but this can’t be said!
It suddenly occurred to me that I haven’t told her about the salary increase. "I’m telling you, I’ve been getting a salary increase since last month. I’ve seen the documents, and the salary will be 7 yuan by then."
"What’s your salary now? How can it rise so much? " Ding Qiunan is a little confused.
"My current salary is forty-two dollars and fifty cents" and then I told her why I would go up so much.
"Oh, that’s great. I don’t know how much salary I’ll get then." Ding Qiunan is full of envy. "Even if I get a raise, I can’t squander it. I still have to be careful."
Li Chu pointed her finger at her nose and said, "Listen to you and me as a housekeeper."
Xiaoding girl wrinkled her nose. "It’s terrible. I don’t want to be a housewife."
"As soon as I heard you say that you are careful to live, I thought of the three big ye across the hall …"
Li Chu told Ding Qiunan the calculation strength of the third uncle.
Listen to Xiaoding girl repeatedly exclaimed "ah? Really? Is that third uncle really so calculating? "
Li Chu sighed. "Alas, Uncle San can’t help it without calculating. How can he raise his four children without calculating?"
"But I think he is calculating too much. How can he do this with his children? Will this count the family? " Ding Qiunan said
"This person’s heart is the most unbearable. It’s hard for me to see his children!" Li Chu shook his head. "The three uncles are saying that they are poor if they can’t eat and wear."
"Gee" Ding Qiunan also shook his head.
Then Li Chu told Ding Qiunan all the others in the college again.
Ding Qiunan said angrily when he heard that the shower column was going to fight Li Chu indiscriminately, "How can he be like this? He still wants to hit people without telling him anything!" You pushed him right! "
Li Chu also said that the rain column made jokes about the blind date, which made Xiaoding girl laugh out of breath. "Ha ha ha, it’s killing me. What’s on his mind all day!"
Speaking of Xu Damao, Li Chu told Ding Qiunan that he and Yu Zhu had been going through more than ten years.
These two people beat each other up one by one. At the end of the day, Li Chu said, "I always think they are true love!"
Hearing Xiaoding’s words, I got red in the face. What is it? I stretched out my hand and slapped him. "What are you talking nonsense? Don’t talk nonsense …" I couldn’t help laughing at Xiaoding’s words.
The girl laughed and burst into tears. She stretched out Sandy Yu and pointed a little at Li Chu’s head. "You are not a good person. What are you thinking about in your head all day?"
"Alas, I was the only one at home when I was chatting. When the former master was still better, I was even more fine after the master was gone." Li Chu’s eyes flashed a trace of loneliness
Xiaoding girl saw his eyes flash lonely, got up and sat down in his leg and hugged him tightly. "I’ll be with you when it’s okay."
Li Chu looked down at her arms girl head slowly gather together in the past.
Xiaoding girl also responded to him emotionally.
In summer, it is thin to wear it, and Xiaoding girl will sit on his leg and be single for more than 20 years, and her body will change immediately.
The strange feeling on the thigh made Ding Qiunan wake up and push Li Chu to jump from his leg and take a few steps back.
Feel that something is wrong with her chest Ding Qiunan slowly looked down at the button and didn’t know when it had been untied. As she just stepped back, her skirt was wide open.
Ding Qiunan blushed and hurriedly grabbed the skirt and spat at Li Chu. "Your mind is full of bad things!"
"Alas, think about it? You are also studying medicine. This is the body’s ability to respond. "Li Chu spread his hands.
The girl turned her head with a snort of pride and ran to the health room and plugged the door.
Li Chu sat there looking down and said to himself, "It’s not time for little brother!"
No way, he got up and went to the kitchen, washed his face with cold water and calmed down.
Ding Qiunan didn’t gather together to Li Chu and sit in single person sofa after coming out of health. "Li Chu, I’m already your person, but I’m not ready for that yet, okay?"

"I’ll wash my face and come over and make dumplings together."

"Go ahead and set up that white towel for my face and that’s what you have."
"Yeah, I see."
Two people together will soon finish the package.
Li Chu used to leave the stove on and start cooking dumplings.
After eating, Ding Qiunan took the initiative to wash dishes and chopsticks and let Li Chu have a rest. "You do all the meals, I’ll come and you go to the sofa to rest."
Such as Ding Qiunan tidy up come over Li Chu and took her to her arms "you see what we still lack, we have nothing to do with it slowly."
"Nothing is lacking. I didn’t expect you to tidy up the house so well!"
Li Chu smiled smugly. "I’ll buy you a bike and a watch in a couple of days, so I’ll go to the department store."
Ding Qiunan looked at him in surprise. "Are you crazy? Will it be a day later? "
"Oh, don’t worry, I won’t be hungry after I have money."
"Money also can’t disorderly spend! How come it’s easy for you to get money? "
Li Chu thought it was really easy to sign in, but this can’t be said!
It suddenly occurred to me that I haven’t told her about the salary increase. "I’m telling you, I’ve been getting a salary increase since last month. I’ve seen the documents, and the salary will be 7 yuan by then."
"What’s your salary now? How can it rise so much? " Ding Qiunan is a little confused.
"My current salary is forty-two dollars and fifty cents" and then I told her why I would go up so much.
"Oh, that’s great. I don’t know how much salary I’ll get then." Ding Qiunan is full of envy. "Even if I get a raise, I can’t squander it. I still have to be careful."
Li Chu pointed her finger at her nose and said, "Listen to you and me as a housekeeper."
Xiaoding girl wrinkled her nose. "It’s terrible. I don’t want to be a housewife."
"As soon as I heard you say that you are careful to live, I thought of the three big ye across the hall …"
Li Chu told Ding Qiunan the calculation strength of the third uncle.
Listen to Xiaoding girl repeatedly exclaimed "ah? Really? Is that third uncle really so calculating? "
Li Chu sighed. "Alas, Uncle San can’t help it without calculating. How can he raise his four children without calculating?"
"But I think he is calculating too much. How can he do this with his children? Will this count the family? " Ding Qiunan said
"This person’s heart is the most unbearable. It’s hard for me to see his children!" Li Chu shook his head. "The three uncles are saying that they are poor if they can’t eat and wear."
"Gee" Ding Qiunan also shook his head.
Then Li Chu told Ding Qiunan all the others in the college again.
Ding Qiunan said angrily when he heard that the shower column was going to fight Li Chu indiscriminately, "How can he be like this? He still wants to hit people without telling him anything!" You pushed him right! "
Li Chu also said that the rain column made jokes about the blind date, which made Xiaoding girl laugh out of breath. "Ha ha ha, it’s killing me. What’s on his mind all day!"
Speaking of Xu Damao, Li Chu told Ding Qiunan that he and Yu Zhu had been going through more than ten years.
These two people beat each other up one by one. At the end of the day, Li Chu said, "I always think they are true love!"
Hearing Xiaoding’s words, I got red in the face. What is it? I stretched out my hand and slapped him. "What are you talking nonsense? Don’t talk nonsense …" I couldn’t help laughing at Xiaoding’s words.
The girl laughed and burst into tears. She stretched out Sandy Yu and pointed a little at Li Chu’s head. "You are not a good person. What are you thinking about in your head all day?"
"Alas, I was the only one at home when I was chatting. When the former master was still better, I was even more fine after the master was gone." Li Chu’s eyes flashed a trace of loneliness
Xiaoding girl saw his eyes flash lonely, got up and sat down in his leg and hugged him tightly. "I’ll be with you when it’s okay."
Li Chu looked down at her arms girl head slowly gather together in the past.
Xiaoding girl also responded to him emotionally.
In summer, it is thin to wear it, and Xiaoding girl will sit on his leg and be single for more than 20 years, and her body will change immediately.
The strange feeling on the thigh made Ding Qiunan wake up and push Li Chu to jump from his leg and take a few steps back.
Feel that something is wrong with her chest Ding Qiunan slowly looked down at the button and didn’t know when it had been untied. As she just stepped back, her skirt was wide open.
Ding Qiunan blushed and hurriedly grabbed the skirt and spat at Li Chu. "Your mind is full of bad things!"
"Alas, think about it? You are also studying medicine. This is the body’s ability to respond. "Li Chu spread his hands.
The girl turned her head with a snort of pride and ran to the health room and plugged the door.
Li Chu sat there looking down and said to himself, "It’s not time for little brother!"
No way, he got up and went to the kitchen, washed his face with cold water and calmed down.
Ding Qiunan didn’t gather together to Li Chu and sit in single person sofa after coming out of health. "Li Chu, I’m already your person, but I’m not ready for that yet, okay?"


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