The more rich ordinary people are, the more afraid they are of death. If it weren’t for the notorious Yang Guang, he would sell it, but it’s not now.

However, the quantity of Jiedu Dan is a little less, and Yang Guang also gave a bottle.
Yu Yang guang has something similar to a bag. Wan Tao knew it before, but he Yang guang has a bag instead of a so-called thing.
Because Wan Tao has his own bag.
On the contrary, Yang Guang’s so-called bag made Wan Tao recognize that Yang Guang had a strong background.
So it’s not a special surprise that Yang Guang took out so many pills this time. He thinks that one should not be an alchemist, but it’s very simple for that one to want pills. His old man’s house will stay somewhere for a while, and there will be many people who will send pills to the door and then respectfully ask the other person to leave like a plague driver.
It was because of Zhang Xiaoyu that Yang Guang couldn’t save the near fire, and it was because of Wan Tao’s relationship with the provincial Wushu Association Palace that Li Liushui and Yang Guang were apprentices that they helped.
Because of the palace, Wu Zong, behind the Wangs, the capital of God, beat the Wangs.
Then Wang Qiushan was placed under house arrest and Zhang Xiaoyu was released from danger.
If you want to know something about Li Liushui or reach a certain level, practitioners will know how strange Li Liushui’s personality is. Even if he forces an alchemist to make an alchemist, it is not necessarily impossible.
Of course, he won’t be malicious to others at will, at most, he just feels funny and happy.
"By the way, Nanyang Wushu Association Jiyu Buxue Dan can sell him some priority." Yang guang suddenly said 1.
"Okay, no problem." Wan Tao made a guarantee. It’s not a big deal
Then Yang Guang even stayed out and let Wan Tao solve it.
A hot commodity like Buxue Dan is simply that there are more wolves and less meat. It is not good enough for Hongcheng Wushu Association, and it is impossible to get Buxue Dan. It is mainly handled by military commanders of various Wushu Associations.
Not afraid of fighters robbing at all.
Chapter three hundred and forty-six Get rich again
Warriors gather near Nielong Cave.
Yang guang’s blood-enriching Dan was brought to its original place after a rush of excitement.
"Do you have blood tonic Dan to sell? I’m willing to buy two pieces at a price of 1.5 million. "Several people didn’t buy blood-enriching Danwu War and asked Yang Guang actively.
This price Yang Guang is naturally very exciting, but the problem is that once he sells it, Wan Tao will be unjustly trapped.
Anyway, the price of this thing will not be too low, and there is not much difference between earning less and earning more.
But it is impossible to sell it at this moment.
Because most of the blood tonic pills have been booked by Hongcheng Wushu Association, he is going to auction the rest.
Let’s talk about it later when we get a batch of phoenix grass.
And as soon as he sells it, he doesn’t buy the remaining blood, so there will be an imbalance, which will definitely put pressure on Yang Guang, and maybe a big hat that undermines peace will be built.
"Sorry, I gave those blood-enriching Dan departments to our president of Wushu Association." Yang Guang directly let Wan Tao take the blame. Anyway, he is a senior military commander and can resist.
On the other hand, Yang Guang even has the combat effectiveness of senior military commanders, and he can still claim to be a martial artist.
Yang Guang is determined to have an organic conversation with the ancient ruins. He is sure to break through to the realm of military commanders, which will better explain the soaring realm. After all, it is a great chance!
"Really have no? Two million and one million will do. Let’s just buy one each. "People are still a little unwilling.
And Yang Guang can shake his head even if he is tempted again. "I’m sorry that it’s really gone. I left a few for myself." Although Yang Guang can’t fill the blood Dan, he needs it in the eyes of others
It doesn’t make sense if you don’t leave any
"Well, then, forget it." The men didn’t have much hope, and Yang Guang refused as expected.
Naturally, I am not too disappointed.
Time passes slowly.
Wan Tao found Yang Guang after more than half an hour.
"I’ll transfer the money to you now when I get it, and I’ll give it to you when I get home."
"No problem, but you must be alive, otherwise I will lose a lot if no one recognizes it." Yang Guang rarely played a little joke with Wan Tao after knowing that he was going to get a large sum of money.

The more rich ordinary people are, the more afraid they are of death. If it weren’t for the notorious Yang Guang, he would sell it, but it’s not now.

However, the quantity of Jiedu Dan is a little less, and Yang Guang also gave a bottle.
Yu Yang guang has something similar to a bag. Wan Tao knew it before, but he Yang guang has a bag instead of a so-called thing.
Because Wan Tao has his own bag.
On the contrary, Yang Guang’s so-called bag made Wan Tao recognize that Yang Guang had a strong background.
So it’s not a special surprise that Yang Guang took out so many pills this time. He thinks that one should not be an alchemist, but it’s very simple for that one to want pills. His old man’s house will stay somewhere for a while, and there will be many people who will send pills to the door and then respectfully ask the other person to leave like a plague driver.
It was because of Zhang Xiaoyu that Yang Guang couldn’t save the near fire, and it was because of Wan Tao’s relationship with the provincial Wushu Association Palace that Li Liushui and Yang Guang were apprentices that they helped.
Because of the palace, Wu Zong, behind the Wangs, the capital of God, beat the Wangs.
Then Wang Qiushan was placed under house arrest and Zhang Xiaoyu was released from danger.
If you want to know something about Li Liushui or reach a certain level, practitioners will know how strange Li Liushui’s personality is. Even if he forces an alchemist to make an alchemist, it is not necessarily impossible.
Of course, he won’t be malicious to others at will, at most, he just feels funny and happy.
"By the way, Nanyang Wushu Association Jiyu Buxue Dan can sell him some priority." Yang guang suddenly said 1.
"Okay, no problem." Wan Tao made a guarantee. It’s not a big deal
Then Yang Guang even stayed out and let Wan Tao solve it.
A hot commodity like Buxue Dan is simply that there are more wolves and less meat. It is not good enough for Hongcheng Wushu Association, and it is impossible to get Buxue Dan. It is mainly handled by military commanders of various Wushu Associations.
Not afraid of fighters robbing at all.
Chapter three hundred and forty-six Get rich again
Warriors gather near Nielong Cave.
Yang guang’s blood-enriching Dan was brought to its original place after a rush of excitement.
"Do you have blood tonic Dan to sell? I’m willing to buy two pieces at a price of 1.5 million. "Several people didn’t buy blood-enriching Danwu War and asked Yang Guang actively.
This price Yang Guang is naturally very exciting, but the problem is that once he sells it, Wan Tao will be unjustly trapped.
Anyway, the price of this thing will not be too low, and there is not much difference between earning less and earning more.
But it is impossible to sell it at this moment.
Because most of the blood tonic pills have been booked by Hongcheng Wushu Association, he is going to auction the rest.
Let’s talk about it later when we get a batch of phoenix grass.
And as soon as he sells it, he doesn’t buy the remaining blood, so there will be an imbalance, which will definitely put pressure on Yang Guang, and maybe a big hat that undermines peace will be built.
"Sorry, I gave those blood-enriching Dan departments to our president of Wushu Association." Yang Guang directly let Wan Tao take the blame. Anyway, he is a senior military commander and can resist.
On the other hand, Yang Guang even has the combat effectiveness of senior military commanders, and he can still claim to be a martial artist.
Yang Guang is determined to have an organic conversation with the ancient ruins. He is sure to break through to the realm of military commanders, which will better explain the soaring realm. After all, it is a great chance!
"Really have no? Two million and one million will do. Let’s just buy one each. "People are still a little unwilling.
And Yang Guang can shake his head even if he is tempted again. "I’m sorry that it’s really gone. I left a few for myself." Although Yang Guang can’t fill the blood Dan, he needs it in the eyes of others
It doesn’t make sense if you don’t leave any
"Well, then, forget it." The men didn’t have much hope, and Yang Guang refused as expected.
Naturally, I am not too disappointed.
Time passes slowly.
Wan Tao found Yang Guang after more than half an hour.
"I’ll transfer the money to you now when I get it, and I’ll give it to you when I get home."
"No problem, but you must be alive, otherwise I will lose a lot if no one recognizes it." Yang Guang rarely played a little joke with Wan Tao after knowing that he was going to get a large sum of money.


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